Kevin Hart & Dave Chappelle Gift Goat Named 'Will Smith' to Chris Rock

2022-07-28 16

Kevin Hart and Dave Chappelle surprised fellow comedian Chris Rock with a live goat—which they jokingly named ‘Will Smith’— during a recent comedy performance at Madison Square Garden. Speaking to ‘Tonight Show’ host Jimmy Fallon after the fact, Hart explained the genuine message to Rock behind the gag gesture.

‘Chris is a mentor, friend, inspiration, but he’s a large part of the reason I am where I am today in my career, just from his advice, his insight, et cetera, and he’s my GOAT [Greatest of All Time],’ Hart said. 'Like, he’s my guy and I wanted him to feel that and experience the world of understanding of how I feel about him in front of that audience. So I gave him the goat and said please give my guy his flowers.’
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