Study Links Exercise and Activities With Improved Processing Speed

2022-07-21 146

Study Links , Exercise and Activities , With Improved Processing Speed.
A new study suggests that women's mental
processing speed may be boosted by exercise like
brisk walking or biking for at least 15 minutes a week.
One of the key aspects of cognitive aging
is a delay in the brain's processing speed. .
CNN reports that quicker processing speed
helps with problem-solving, focus and the
ability to engage with others in conversation.
We found that greater physical activity
was associated with greater thinking
speed reserve in women, but not in men, Judy Pa, Professor of neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, via CNN.
Both men and women's mental processing
speed benefited from cognitive activities
such as playing card games and reading. .
Taking part in more mental activities
was associated with greater thinking
speed reserve for both men and women, Judy Pa, Professor of neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, via CNN.
According to the study, engaging in mental activities,
such as playing games or reading, lessened the aging of
that person's processing speed by an average of 13 years.
As we have arguably few-to-no
effective treatments for Alzheimer's
disease, prevention is crucial.
An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of treatment, Judy Pa, Professor of neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, via CNN.
To know that people could potentially
improve their cognitive reserve by taking
simple steps such as going to classes
at the community center, playing bingo
with their friends or spending more
time walking or gardening is very exciting, Judy Pa, Professor of neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, via CNN.
The study was published in 'Neurology,' the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology