Terrifying moment angry raccoon chased US woman and her dog into her house and refused to leave for OVER AN HOUR

2022-07-14 9

This is the moment a terrified woman and her dog were chased into their house and attacked by an angry raccoon -- which then refused to leave for OVER AN HOUR. Nykeria Clark, 23, was returning from a walk with her two-year-old Yorkshire Terrier Jojo when she noticed the raccoon in a tree on her front lawn. The fiesty raccoon jumped down from the tree and chased them the house where Nykeria slammed the door so quickly - little Jojo was stuck outside. But when she opened the door to let the cowering pooch in the rampaging raccoon darted in too. Have-a-go Jojo fought the wild animal for 30 seconds before Nykeria was able to break them up with a mop and remove her beloved pet from danger. The raccoon, however, was going nowhere. It ran to her window and climbed up onto the shutters, giving Nykeria time to call Animal Services, who arrived to remove the raccoon. Nykeria, an eyelash technician, from Miami, Florida, captured the initial incident on her home security camera and recorded the rest of her ordeal on her phone. She said: “It was SO scary. When Jojo was fighting her I couldn’t stop crying and screaming. “I think the raccoon was a mother so she was just trying to protect her babies - but it was still terrifying.” Animal Services took over an hour to arrive so Nykeria called over friends and family to help her stay calm until the animal was removed. Nykeria then visited the doctor to get a precautionary rabies vaccine and took her dog to the vet, who also gave him treatment for any potential illnesses from the wild animal. She posted the home security camera footage to the social media app TikTok, where it has amassed over 12 million views. Nykeria said: “The online reaction has been so mixed. People were saying I could have done more or I should have protected my dog better. “I am pregnant so I was just terrified for my baby. I had to do everything I could to protect us. “I have had a lot of nice and really funny comments so it’s all good now. It’s funny now, but it definitely wasn’t at the time! “I’m so proud of Jojo for protecting us and I’m just glad it’s over.” The incident occurred on June 13 2022.