A look at the magnetic approach to achieving controlled thermonuclear fusion as a viable energy source.
00:00 - Introduction
00:27 - Particles in a magnetic field
02:52 - Magnetohydrodynamicsa
04:05 - Turbulence
04:45 - Recap
05:19 - Z-pinch
07:25 - Magnetic mirror
09:02 - Toroidal machines
11:48 - Heating
14:34 - Current
16:00 - Shaping
18:31 - H-mode
20:19 - Disruptions
21:15 - Machine walls
22:24 - Stellarators
23:03 - Wrap-up
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[17] Image of ASDEX Upgrade https://www.ipp.mpg.de/5035491/01_21