Scientists Struggle to Understand Rising Global Methane Levels

2022-07-12 119

Scientists Struggle to Understand, Rising Global Methane Levels.
'Newsweek' reports that methane concentrations
in the Earth's atmosphere continue to climb,
and scientists are scrambling to understand why.
In 2022, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) reported record-breaking
concentrations of methane.
Average concentrations of methane
reached 1,895.7 parts per billion (ppb). .
2021 saw the largest annual increase
in atmospheric methane levels since systemic
measurements began being taken in 1983.
Methane concentrations
are increasing at a frightening
and totally unexpected rate, Benjamin Poulter,
NASA atmospheric scientist,
via 'Newsweek'.
In 2020 and again in 2021,
methane concentrations grew at a rate
that was more than double the average
over the previous decade, Benjamin Poulter,
NASA atmospheric scientist,
via 'Newsweek'.
According to scientists, the rapid
increase in atmospheric methane
suggests significant implications.
'Newsweek' reports that the potent
greenhouse gas is a major
contributor to global warming.
'Newsweek' reports that the potent
greenhouse gas is a major
contributor to global warming.
Methane is a major anthropogenic
greenhouse gas, and its unexpected recent
rise is arguably the largest deviation from
the hopes of the Paris Agreement (note
the recent CO2 rise was also bad).
If we don't get methane under control,
the Paris Agreement will fail, Euan Nisbet, Earth scientist at Royal Holloway,
University of London, via 'Newsweek'.
Methane is emitted by both
natural sources and human activity.
Current estimates suggest that
approximately 600 million tons
are emitted into the air every year