Rotolight NEO 3 and AEOS 2 LED Camera Lights by Rotolight

2022-07-08 35

Rotolight NEO 3 and AEOS 2 LED Camera Lights
Welcome to our campaign for the most advanced LED lighting in the world: the brand new Rotolight NEO 3 and AEOS 2. Designed and manufactured in the UK for photographers, videographers and filmmakers, the latest products from our design team are amongst the most powerful around.
NEW - Laredo Western Town Shoot in the UK
Jason Lanier puts the NEO 3 and AEOS 2 through their creative paces while shooting at the amazing Laredo Western Town in the UK
Just how powerful is the NEO 3 and AEOS 2?
Check out this awesome video of the NEO 3 and AEOS 2 in action on a recent shoot at Laredo Western Town in the UK.
Features - A Deeper Look
We have been busy creating the latest video instalment for our #AskRotolight video series which highlights all of the NEO 3 and AEOS 2 features, check it out below.
