Top 12 Most Deadly Crocodile Attacks - Crocodile vs Lion, Warthog, Wildebeest, Bats & other Animals

2022-07-07 12

The Crocodile is one of the most deadly animals in the world, it is large and powerful and has huge jaws capable of killing most prey animals with a single bone crushing bite.
This video features the most incredible crocodile attack moments in the wild including a crocodile takes out a feral pig with an incredible bone crushing bite, a Nile lunges at a thirsty impala, then grabs it with its massive jaws and drags it into the water, a crocodile that unwilling to share its meal, charges a lion looking to eat a dead hippo and chases it away, a crocodile takes out a massive wildebeest with an incredible sneak attack, gazelle try to cross a river full of hungry croc and full prey to them, a croc snatches a pigeon with incredible speed, a croc snatches a bat heading to drink midair! A croc attacks a wild dog and drags it into the water, an alligator takes out a large turtle with an incredible bone shuddering bite, a crocodile charges an elephant, the elephant then fights back and chases it off, and other incredible crocodile and alligator attack moments in the wild.
Truly amazing footage!