FBI, MI5 Heads Issue Joint Warning , of Growing Threat From China.
FBI Director Christopher Wray appeared with MI5 Director General Ken McCallum to issue the joint warning on July 6. .
FBI Director Christopher Wray appeared with MI5 Director General Ken McCallum to issue the joint warning on July 6. .
According to McCallum, the MI5 has
"more than doubled our previously-constrained
effort against Chinese activity of concern.".
According to Wray, the government of China
"poses the biggest long-term threat.".
The Chinese government is trying to shape the world by interfering in our politics (and those of our allies, I should add), Christopher Wray, FBI Director, via NPR News.
Wray also stated that the government of China "poses an even more serious threat to Western businesses than even many sophisticated businesspeople realize.".
He characterized
China's government
as "set on stealing
your technology.".
He said the hacking efforts carried out by China's government are "bigger than that of every other major country combined.".
McCallum stated that Western assumptions
about China's connections with the
West are "plain wrong.".
The widespread Western assumption that growing prosperity within China and increasing connectivity with
the West.., Ken McCallum, MI5 Director General, via NPR News.
... would automatically lead to greater political freedom has, I'm afraid, been shown to be
plain wrong, Ken McCallum, MI5 Director General, via NPR News.
A spokesperson for China's embassy in London responded to the joint statement.
The allegations against China by U.S. and U.K. intelligence officials are completely groundless and the so-called cases they listed are pure shadow chasing, Chinese Embassy (UK) Spokesperson,
via NPR News.
[Both nations should] abandon the Cold War mentality which has long gone out of date, stop spreading 'China threat,' and
stop creating confrontation
and conflicts, Chinese Embassy (U.K.) Spokesperson,
via NPR News