5 Facts , About Fried Chicken.
July 6th is
National Fried Chicken Day!.
Did you know these mouth-watering facts? .
1. , Nashville-Hot Chicken
could be the unhealthiest .
This spicy dish is covered in chile-infused oil right after frying, boosting its calorie count. .
2. , The pressure fryer was
KFC's secret to success .
KFC founder Colonel Sanders
wanted to fry his chicken fast
and converted one of the first
commercial pressure cookers
into a pressure fryer. .
3. , Fried Chicken was a
Scottish invention .
While the rest of the world was baking or boiling their chicken, the Scottish were the first to fry chicken in fat. .
4. , There are numerous ways
to fry chicken.
Fried chicken is a global delight and many countries have their own variations. .
5. , There's a secret to "craggy" crust.
Want that perfect crunchy skin? Mix a couple spoonfuls of buttermilk into the
dry breading mix.