Ankh Meaning - What is the Ankh

2022-07-01 2

Only Kings, Queens and Gods were allowed to carry this symbol. The Ankh is the Egyptian sign of life and indicates that the King or God holding it has the power to give life or take it away from lesser mortals.

The Ankh as a symbol of the life giving elements of air and water was often used by a God or Goddess who holds the Ankh before the King’s nose, giving him the “breath of life” or as streams of water in the form of ankhs running over the King during ritual purification.

The scepter was a popular one for the Gods to hold and became a symbol of well-being and happiness.There are three principal ways that the Egyptians used the Ankh symbol, by itself, in their drawings: Probably the most common depiction of the Ankh is being clutched in the hand by the gods and goddesses on the upper loop portion of the symbol.

The Ankh appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife conferring the gift of life on the dead person’s mummy.