What are heavy metals and how do they pollute the environment?

2022-06-12 1

Heavy metals are chemical elements with an atomic mass greater than 50 a.u. or with a density greater than 8 g/cm3.

The list of heavy metals includes such chemical elements: copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), chromium (Cr), vanadium (V), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), bismuth (Bi), tin (Sn), cadmium (Cd), antimony (Sb), mercury (Hg), thorium (Th), uranium (U).

Factors such as pH, the presence of ligands in solution, redox potential affect the solubility of heavy metals in nature.

Heavy metals enter the environment through wastewater from various industrial facilities, some pesticides and fertilizers, and acid rain (acidification).

This article describes the 17 main heavy metals, their content in the aquatic environment, in sea water.

The maximum allowable concentration (MPC) of each heavy metal for the aquatic environment, as well as the maximum allowable concentration for fish ponds, are important indicators of environmental quality.

Sources of heavy metal pollution can be various anthropogenic and natural factors:

- oil;
- asphalts;
- bitumen;
- iron ores;
- coals;
- various minerals;
- glass production;
- pharmaceutical factories;
- perfumery products;
- wastewater from various enterprises;
- copper and polymetallic ores;
- decomposition of extinct organisms;
- Industrial Activity;
- erosion of pipelines;
- Agriculture;
- non-ferrous metallurgy;
- mineral mines;
- enrichment industry;
- production of synthetic rubber;
- burning of coal, oil;
- production of organic paints;
- metallurgical industry;
- thermal power plants;
- deposits of various minerals;
- mines.

As a rule, the content of various heavy metals in the aquatic environment and in sea water varies from a few nanograms to several milligrams.

Also MPC for the aquatic environment differs from one heavy metal to another.

Some heavy metals are important trace elements, are part of enzymes, and support important biochemical processes.

Others not only have no biochemical significance, but are very toxic at low concentrations.

Attention! This material is for informational purposes only. When observing various symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor!

This material was prepared on the basis of material from the Net-Bolezniam.Ru website: https://www.net-bolezniam.ru/zagrjaznenie-tjazhelymi-metallami-soderzhanie-i-predelno-dopustimye-koncentracii-v-vode/58/

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