What Makes ISDM, ISDM Indian School of Development Management

2022-06-08 2

What Makes ISDM, ISDM!

5 years ago, 4 intrepid educators - Gaurav Shah, Ravi Sreedharan, Sharad Agarwal and Suparna Diwakar - came together with a vision to create a vibrant and catalytic ecosystem for Development Management and Leadership in India. That vision brought ISDM to being and, today, ISDM stands tall as an institution with an ecosystem of development managers in its core.

In those 5 years, we have been showered with love and support from leaders, organisations, and the ecosystem. Most importantly, we have been privileged to be trusted by each and every one of our students, faculties, staff and friends. Today, we earnestly thank you and celebrate each one of you with this series ‘What makes ISDM, ISDM’. In the span of one month, we will bring to you each of the 6 key pieces that make us, us.

ISDM| Social Sector's next place to be!

ISDM’s philosophy is to constantly evolve, grow and conceptualise together, by learning from each other. Teaching and learning are not mutually exclusive - they go hand in hand. We believe in open and transparent communication and we encourage each one of us to grow into the unique individuals that we are.

We have audacious ambitions to be an iconic, internationally renowned, praxis driven, autonomous institution that will be a fountainhead of knowledge for the domain of Development Management, with an objective to change the way SPOs are led and managed resulting in far greater and sustained impact of the billions of dollars and millions of people working in development.

Learn more - https://isdm.org.in/pgp-dm-admissions/

ISDM's 11-month high impact Postgraduate management course for the social sector.

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