KOF XV - Combo Missions - Ryuji Yamazaki

2022-06-01 4

The King of Fighters XV
Mission Mode - Combo Challenges (Trials)
Character: Ryuji Yamazaki

Challenge 01: 00:00
Challenge 02: 00:09
Challenge 03: 00:19
Challenge 04: 00:28
Challenge 05: 00:43

*You can link (ex) special moves into each other more easily by doing the special move that comes after a bit earlier and holding the involved button(s).
- Challenge 03:
... ↓↙← + PP, ↓↘→ + Hold PP, ..
- Challenge 04:
... →↓↘ + LK, →↘↓↙←→ + Hold KK

*Challenge 05: to cancel →↓↘ + K into ↓↘→↓↘→ + P more easily, use the following shortcut: →↓↘→ + K, ↓↘→ + P