Royal reel lights up Marble Arch for Platinum Jubilee

2022-05-30 3

The National Portrait Gallery selected six portraits of Queen Elizabeth II from its collection which were projected onto Marble Arch. These included Dorothy Wilding’s portraits of the Queen ahead of her wedding day in 1947, and shortly after she acceded to the throne in 1952 following the death of her father King George VI. The gallery of images also featured Pietro Annigoni’s 1969 painting of the Queen in full regal robes, while Michael Leonard’s 1985 portrait captures the Queen’s passion for animals, and in particular, her well known love of Corgis. The final image was David Bailey’s 2014 portrait, which was originally commissioned by The GREAT Britain & Northern Ireland campaign, the UK's international marketing campaign, to celebrate the Queen’s 88th birthday and captures the modern-day Queen just before she became Britain’s longest reigning monarch.