Princess Charlene and Princess Gabriella Hit Monaco's Grand Prix Circuit — and So Does Patrick Demps

2022-05-29 11

Fast cars, tight curves, historic spills, and McDreamy.   Say all you will about Formula One racing, but it was definitely the royal couple who set the pace around Monaco's Grand Prix circuit on Saturday.  Especially Princess Charlene, who made her first visit since 2019 to the Grand Prix event, long considered the sport's crown jewel.  Marking the annual return of racing's most glamorous weekend event, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, 44, were trackside before Saturday's time trials. During their informal walk around, the couple — without their children — thanked volunteers, greeted fans, and mixed with drivers and celebrities.   RELATED: Princess Charlene Shares Glam Photo of Daugh ...
#PrincessCharlene, #PrincessGabriellaHitMonaco, #GrandPrixCircuit—, #SoDoesPatrickDempsey
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