Tom Cruise starrer Top Gun: Maverick will hit the big screens on May 27. LatestLY’s Rohit Rajput watched the film to give you his take on this Joseph Kosinski directorial. Rajput says, “The story here honours the original Top Gun.” He adds, “There are some visual parallels that will feel extremely rewarding to longtime fans.” Rajput says, “Tom Cruise has never been this good.” He adds, “Perhaps the most range he has showcased since becoming this huge action star, this is Cruise at his best.” About Miles Teller, Rajput says, “Miles Teller surprised me here as well.” “Glen Powell is also quite likeable as Lieutenant Jack ‘Hangman’ Seresin,” says Rajput. Rajput says, “Most of the scenes here are shot practically and you can feel that in the sense of how they are framed.” He says, “Every frame is oozing with amazing imagery that had me in awe every time.” Rajput has only one complaint with the film and that is the chemistry between Penny and Maverick. As per Rajput, “Chemistry between Penny and Maverick wasn’t as good as him and Charlie.” Watch the video to know more.