“I truly believe there will come a day when India won't be at Cannes, Cannes would be in India,” said actor Deepika Padukone at the 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. Deepika Padukone is on the jury list. On May 18, Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur inaugurated the India pavilion at Cannes. India invited foreign filmmakers to make movies in the country by offering incentives up to Rs 2.5 crore for co-production and hiring local manpower for such projects. And the highlight of the day was Deepika Padukone’s dance. Deepika danced along with Tamannaah Bhatia, Pooja Hegde and Urvashi Rautela. Folk singer Mame Khan (who is also one of the attendees at the film festival) requested Deepika and other actors to dance together. Deepika Padukone did a little bit of ghoomar on stage. At the event, actor Pooja Hegde said, “I have not come with a brand but I have come with Brand India.” Watch the video to know more.