Kate Middleton attended her first royal garden party since 2019 — and she brought some springtime cheer with her outfit. The Duchess of Cambridge, 40, joined Prince Edward, Sophie, Countess of Wessex and Queen Elizabeth's cousin Princess Alexandra for Wednesday's garden party at Buckingham Palace, while her husband Prince William had another outing at the Dedication of the Submariner Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum. Sporting a coral ensemble by Emilia Wickstead with coordinating heels as well as a bright pink fascinator that she wore for Trooping the Colour in 2017, Kate greeted many of the thousands of guests who were invited to the palace's gardens to recognize their pub ...
#KateMiddletonStepsOut, #BrightCoral, #HerFirstBuckinghamPalaceGardenParty, #Season
#KateMiddleton, #News, #PrinceEdward, #royalsnews, #SophieCountessofWessex
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