Queen's heartbreaking story behind her jewellery - and why she always wears pearls

2022-05-16 1

The Queen is known for her love of bright colours, hats, and her trusty Launer black handbag but her stunning jewellery collection holds a special place in her heart. She has an array of  gorgeous pieces to choose from when she gets dressed every morning, from the Lovers Knot Brooch she wore to Prince William and Kate’s wedding in 2011 to the sweet yellow gold, ruby, and diamond Scarab Brooch - a favourite of the Queen’s, which was gifted to her by Prince Philip in 1966. But there’s one very simple item she often won’t leave the house without - her three-strand pearl necklace. In fact, she is rarely seen without the simple necklace, which features three rows of delicate pearls, and there’s ...
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