The Voice of Healing was created in April of 1948 as an advertisement for William Branham’s ministry. It was published in Shreveport, Louisiana, the headquarters for Branham’s sect, and William Branham himself was the publisher. Branham’s campaign managers, Gordon Lindsay, and Jack Moore were Editor and Associate editors. The name came from a slogan in Branham’s revival advertisements, “He has the voice of healing”, and the magazine was referred to by his sect as “Branham’s paper”.
Over time, the magazine transitioned to become an advertisement for almost countless other faith healers, prophets, evangelists, and stage personas claiming to have been “commissioned” or “visited” by angels, demons, and more. The list of editors grew significantly, and the magazine once known as “Branham’s paper” suddenly became the “paper of the hundreds of Voice of Healing evangelists”.
Before that change, however, in 1949, William Branham published an article written by former Congressman William D. Upshaw praising the sect for what he described as the new “Acts of the Apostles.” Branham printed Upshaw’s letter, and it made the front page of the voice of healing.
Years later, Roy E. Davis, William D. Upshaw, and William Branham staged an act that would define Branham’s ministry. Upshaw, who had been physically walking with and sometimes without crutches for years, was sent by Davis to pretend to be a wheelchair invalid in the meeting. Branham pretended that he had never heard of Upshaw before, and claimed that it was because his father died while he was in the seventh grade. Yet Branham’s father’s death certificate reveals that he died in November of 1936 when Branham was age 23, Branham was aware of Upshaw enough to print his letter, and Upshaw had been confirmed working with Davis (and by extension Branham) in building a new Ku Klux Klan sect.
You can learn this and more on
The Voice of Healing:
William D. Upshaw:
Upshaw working with Davis:
Charles Branham:
Charles Branham Death Cert:
Roy E. Davis as Imperial Wizard: