Hallo semuanyaaaa....!!! ♀️
Masih berasa euforia konser BTS di Korea minggu kemarin yaa..
Kali ini aku mau membagikan resep yang warna ungunya cantik banget dan identically dengan BTS
Bahan :
300 gr Ubi ungu
600 ml susu cair
150 ml air (sorry banget nggak inframe, kelupaan record..hahha mianhae~)
5 sdm madu
1 sachet susu bubuk
Bahannya simple banget kan, yuk bikin home cafe sendiri dirumah
Rasanya creamy tapi nggak bikin eneg~
Kalau teman-teman recook resepnya, bisa tag aku di Instagram yaa~
Semoga bermanfaat, Selamat mencoba
I Purple You
Hello everyone....!!! ️
I still feel euphoric at the BTS concert in Korea last time...
This time I want to share a recipe with purple color which is really pretty and identically to BTS
Material :
300 gr purple sweet potato
600 ml liquid milk
150 ml of water (sorry not inframe, forgot to record...hahha mianhae~)
5 tbsp honey
1 sachet milk powder
The ingredients are very simple, right, let's make your own home cafe at home
It's creamy but doesn't make you feel bad~
If your friends recommend the recipe, you can tag me on Instagram~
Hopefully useful, good luck
I Purple You