What Will Be Your Legacy - March 23 2011 -Betty Dworatschek Metal Queen Management - Drew Masters - Carson Manning - John Matheson - Band Heavy Early at the Peacock

2022-04-28 4

Introspective interviews with the most talented and prolific Artists in the Industry from Musicians, Actors, Directors, Filmmakers, Acrobats, Painters, frankly of all idioms of Art.  Posing a serious question to the Artist to reflect on what legacy they wish to leave behind?

Timothy F H Doucette hosting this episode the Peacock with interviews from Drew Masters from MEAT Magazine, Carson Manning, John Matheson, Betty Dworatschek Metal Queen Management and the Band Heavy Early.

Developed for Television from Creative Producer Jean-Claude Lafond (aka JC Moses)
Only on the DDP Network www.ddpstudios.com We Make Thinking Fun!