As per GSM Arena, the deal is reported to be worth 50 million yuan (USD 7.75 million) and will see BOE producing 25 per cent of OLED displays, designated for the vanilla iPhone 14 smartphone.
The Chinese company BOE will produce only 6.1 inch panels; which means that the bigger ‘iPhone 14 Max’ and the ‘iPhone Pro’ will still exclusively use screens that are manufactured by Samsung and LG.
The Chinese display maker, which had been manufacturing panels for previous-gen iPhones and replacement versions, will be producing panels for current-generation iPhones for the first time.
In order to meet Apple’s needs for future contracts, BOE is reported to have expanded its Sichuan B16 plant and equipped it with the appropriate power, necessary for yielding the required number of OLEDs panels.
BOE is reported to have its best year since starting work on OLED panels. It performed very well in the production of those panels, with nearly 60 million OLEDs pushed last year.
With a 60 per cent increase in its production last year, the Chinese display maker has cemented its position as the top OLED display manufacturer in China, and second in the world after the undisputed leader Samsung.