Pedal On Parliament - Cyclist in Edinburgh ask for Scotland to become a cycle-friendly country

2022-04-25 99

EDINBURGH. Pedal on Parliament.

10 years after we first did it, we will be doing our first ‘classic PoP’ in several years on Saturday 23 April 2022 at 1pm – that’s a mass family-friendly cycle to the Scottish Parliament to send a loud message to politicians that it’s time to deliver on their promises. It’s time to make Scotland a cycle-friendly country.

Lots has changed since this first PoP in 2012, but our core message hasn’t – it’s time to make Scotland a cycle-friendly country. The experience of seeing so many people take to bikes and enjoy our streets when the cars disappeared during COVID lockdowns showed us what we’ve always known. People will cycle if the conditions are right. It’s up to our politicians to make cycling a safe and realistic option for everyone.

This year, we also want to send a message that it’s time to deliver. Local council elections happen in May, and the winning candidates will have the power to change our towns and cities. We want to make sure they’ve all heard our message loud and clear. This Machine Fights Climate Change.

Please note that this year we will be starting from Chambers Street (outside the National Museum of Scotland) at 1pm and not the Meadows as usual. See the route below and check out our guide to getting to the start point.

Who are we?
Pedal on Parliament is a grassroots volunteer-led campaign pushing for better, safer and more inclusive cycling conditions for everyone of all ages and abilities in Scotland. We run an annual nationwide weekend of action aimed at policy makers, asking for better investment, design and policy for sustainable transport.
Our manifesto asks politicians to agree to

Proper funding for active travel – starting at 10% of the transport budget and rising to 20% by the end of the parliamentary term.
Design cycling for all ages and abilities into Scotland’s roads.
Implement and enforce safer speeds where people live, work and play.