Agel Leads Want VALUE, Not Hype! Agel Prospect Training For

2009-02-06 13 Agel Leads Want VALUE, Not Hype! Agel Prospects Want HELP! Prospects Want VALUE From You! In network marketing, one of the best ways to truly ATTRACT qualified leads and prospects to YOU - is to give them what THEY want; and do that through valuable information or content that meets their immediate needs. Most MLM (network marketing) distributors are so busy trying to 'share' all the great information about how great their company is or their compensation plan is - that they don't stop to think about what REALLY matters... And that is, what does your PROSPECT want! This educational video will explain how to do this & why it is effective. For more helpful information & free training on this subject: To YOUR Success, -- Scott Rogers Network Marketing Consultant/Trainer/Coach - agel, agel leads, agel prospecting, agel training, agel prospects, agel business, agel business opportunity, agel distributor, agel lead generation, agel leader, agel upline, agel downline, agel training video, agel truth, does agel work,