Prince Andrew fails to 'read the room' with 'very cringy' social media anniversary posts

2022-04-07 5

Over the weekend, a series of posts surfaced on Sarah Ferguson’s Instagram page which were written by Prince Andrew on his experience of fighting in the Falklands. In the posts, which have since been deleted, he noted that he entered the conflict “full of bravado” and returned a “changed man”. On the latest episode of US Weekly, hosts Christina Garibaldi and Christine Ross spoke about the Duke's surfaced posts. Ms Ross described the posts as "very cringy". She added: "He could not read the room on how people are feeling about him right now." The posts were about his time fighting in the Falklands in which the Duke described that he returned from the war a "changed man". Ms Ross said: "Not t ...
#PrinceAndrew, #fails, #read, #room, #with, #very, #cringy, #social, #media, #anniversary, #posts
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