Camilla, an avid fan of Jane Austen’s books, went to the writer’s former home at Chawton, near Alton in Hampshire, and saw the famous shirt in which Firth, playing Mr Darcy, emerged from a lake dripping wet in a 1995 BBC adaption of the classic novel. The Duchess was shown clothing from recent television and film adaptations of the 19th century author’s work including Mr Darcy’s shirt. “But he’s not in it, that’s a bit sad,” Camilla said after being shown the shirt by Lizzie Dunford, director of Jane Austen’s House, who replied: “I know, that’s sad, and it’s not quite as damp as it was.” Camilla, 74, quipped: “You could give it a good spray.” Ms Dunford told Camilla: “It’s a wonderful artef ...
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