2022-04-03 4

On March 9, the world media published horrifying footage from Mariupol, where, according to the Ukrainian authorities, pregnant women and children were killed as a result of a "Russian airstrike" on a city hospital.

The central theme of the report of the Ukrainian stringers of the Associated Press agency from the scene was the figure of a young woman with a bloody face. The image was replicated around the world in thousands of publications designed to demonstrate the "war crimes" of the Russian army in Ukraine. However, very soon commentators drew attention to numerous inconsistencies in the report of the American news agency, which arouse suspicion that the entire event is a staged production: the absence of amateur footage of the incident, erased meta–data of photographs, the absence of medical personnel, women with newborn children, characteristic lime dust and smoke at the site of the explosion of the "bomb". Finally, as it turned out, the main character of the photo shoot was the famous Mariupol Instagram model Marianna Vyshemirskaya.

Today we are publishing a video interview with the heroine of the staged shooting. The young mother is now safe in the territory of the DPR. According to her, the Ukrainian military expelled the patients from the best Mariupol maternity hospital, set up their headquarters there and took food from the women in labor, there was no airstrike, "journalists in military uniform" appeared at the scene immediately after the suspicious explosions and photographed the evacuated women despite their protests.…

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