Chicago Mayor Proposes Gift Cards To Help Residents Pay for Gas

2022-04-01 4,764

Chicago Mayor Proposes Gift Cards , To Help Residents Pay for Gas.
NPR reports that Lori Lightfoot, the mayor
of Chicago, wants to help residents of the
city battle rising fuel costs.
Per AAA, residents of Illinois are now paying an average of $4.46 per gallon of gas, .
while the national average
sits at $4.23 per gallon.
Now, as inflation steadily rises and the cost of gas continues to soar, our disadvantaged residents are carrying a significant
financial burden. , Mayor Lori Lightfoot, via NPR.
Lightfoot's proposed program,
Chicago Moves, would give 50,000
residents a prepaid gas card worth $150.
100,000 more would receive
a transit card worth $50.
Officials say the program would
cost the city around $12.5 million.
Beginning in May, cards
will be distributed in five successive monthly waves
of 10,000 residents. , Office of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, via NPR.
Only those with a valid city vehicle
sticker and an income equal to or less
than 140% of Chicago's median income
will be eligible for gas cards.
Transit cards will be allocated by
geographical data. Officials say low-income neighborhoods will receive priority.
The CTA remains the most affordable and convenient way to get around the city, , CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr., via NPR.
... and we work hard every day to provide the essential service
that so many Chicagoans rely on — especially when public
transit is the only option. , CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr., via NPR.
Applications will open on April 27