I Have A Story, an anthology organized by Childsplay and published by Dramatic Publishing, offers a remarkable collection of 31 stories from young people across the country reflecting their life experiences during the pandemic that were turned into short plays in collaboration with professional playwrights nationwide. Childsplay, founded in 1977 by David Saar who recognized that children could reap great benefits from experiences with professional theatre, believes young people deserve challenging, thought-provoking theatre of the highest artistic quality. Because they understand the challenges facing Arizona’s classroom teachers, they offer arts education resources that have educated and inspired more than six million young people and families statewide during their four-plus decades. Their mission is to create theatre so strikingly original in form, content or both, that it instills in young people an enduring awe, love and respect for the medium, thus preserving imagination and wonder. For more information visit childsplayaz.org.