In Bilawal Bhutto's Long March, Maira Hashmi, an anchor from Lahore, went viral on social media. During the interview, Bilawal Bhutto suddenly made a move with Maira Hashmi after which memes of Maira Hashmi and Bilawal Bhutto started being made. Urdupoint anchor Usman Butt has asked Maira Hashmi about the incident. Maira Hashmi is an anchor for New TV and reports on current affairs. After going viral with Bilawal Bhutto, Maira Hashmi now wants to join Pakistan peoples Party .
Anchor: Usman Butt
#BilawalBhutto #MairaHashmi #LongMarch #ViralAnchor #BilawalBhuttoWithMairaHashmi #Interview #Lahore
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