William Branham's 1933 Prophecies Overturned - 1934 Burning of the Church

2022-03-25 38

Leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation refer to William Branham’s alleged 1933 Prophecies as a fundamental part of what they claim to be a “movement by God”. Some go so far as to claim receiving Branham’s “mantle”, giving them the same supernatural power. The problem? Branham’s claim to have had seven prophecies in 1933 was a fictional story introduced by newer versions of his stage persona!

To understand this fiction and the real historical timeline, the April 1934 burning of Roy E. Davis’ Pentecostal church is critical. According to the timeline given in newer versions of his stage persona, William Branham claimed that he was the pastor (not assistant pastor) at the time of the prophecies, and the alleged 1933 Prophecies were fundamental to his founding of the church and alleged “1933 commission." This, he said, came after Davis’ church burned. When reading from the alleged copy kept in his bible, Branham claimed the prophecies were written in 1932.

Davis’ church burned in April 1934. and the first mention of Branham's Pentecostal assembly (which he said was held in tents) was on August 17, 1935. The deed to Branham's Pentecostal church is dated November 9, 1936.

You can learn this and more on William-branham.org
