Marriage is no license to "unleash a brutal beast", the Karnataka High Court said today, in a landmark order that allowed framing of charges against a husband accused of forcing his wife to be a "sex slave". The institution of marriage does not confer, cannot confer and in my considered view, should not be construed to confer, any special male privilege or a license for unleashing of a brutal beast. If it is punishable to a man, it should be punishable to a man albeit, the man being a husband," the High Court order said. Watch video,
Karantaka High Court ने मेरिटल रेप को लेकर कई सख्त टिप्पणी की हैं जो आज आपको जरूर जाननी चाहिए. कर्नाटक हाईकोर्ट ने मेरिटल रेप पर कहा कि शादी क्रूरता का लाइसेंस नहीं है. देखिए वीडियो