Are These The Real Holy Relics Of Jesus Holy Relics The Quest

2022-03-19 190

Jesus Christ. The Gospels narrate the key periods of his life, from his birth through to his suffering on the Cross in Jerusalem. But what exactly do we know today about this man’s life? For centuries, researchers, historians and enthusiasts have embarked on a quest to find his final relics: garments, the Holy Cross, nails, burial sites, his tomb and even Jesus’ blood… Many believe they have found the ultimate evidence of Jesus’ existence.

But do these relics really exist? Where are they hidden and what do they really tell us? What challenges do their owners, researchers or worshipers face?

From the Eastern Roman Empire to the European Crusaders; from Jerusalem to Turin, we have followed in the footsteps of the most famous relics worshiped by millions of believers. Combining archaeology, history and mysticism, The Holy Relics: The Quest is an investigation that takes us right to the heart of the mysteries and controversies which could lead us to the Holy Grail.