To maintain his status as “prophet” under the Latter Rain’s Five-Fold ministry, William Branham introduced several new “revelations” into his ministry. “Revelations” that seemed accurate were later described as “prophecies”, while those inaccurate were discounted as opinions without factual basis. This became problematic for his cult leaders who were aware that Branham claimed that while speaking, he was “God’s Voice to you”, and that opinions could NOT be inaccurate. If inaccurate, then it could not have been God’s Voice.
One example of this is Branham’s “Mars Revelation”. Branham claimed that he received a divine revelation that Mars was “billions of years” from earth. Yet NASA has made multiple trips to Mars, and the Mars rover is sending Earth image data. As a result, some cult leaders claim that the Mars landings were all faked, and some by extension claim that the moon landings were faked.
Interestingly, new technology has dramatically cut down the travel time between earth and Mars. NASA claims it is a 500-day journey, but engineers in Montreal claim they can cut this to just 45 days! … making Branham’s prediction inaccurate by “billions of years” minus 45 days.
Mars Revelation:
Mars in 45 days:
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