Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (Nes) Longplay

2022-03-13 29

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game, also known as just Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the arcade, is a game released for arcades and the Nintendo Entertainment System, based on the popular television animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was developed by Konami and published by Ultra. It was originally released as a coin-op arcade game, but later ported to the NES with two extra levels. It is the sequel to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but is entirely a side-scrolling "beat 'em up" game, whereas the first game was an action-adventure game. The arcade version of the game is unlockable in the GameCube version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus from 2004, but with all the original music replaced.

Besides the graphic/sound downgrade and the addition of the two new stages.

- The arcade version had much more dialogue, with voice clips accompanying the lines.
- Some of the stages are longer than in the arcade version. In particular, the apartment building stage includes an extra stairway with the bowling balls rolling down, and the parking garage stage includes another car driving out.
- The sewer stage and the cheapskate stage have different music from the arcade version.
- In the arcade version, the cars the foot soldiers drive in the highway stage go right. In the NES version they go left.
- In the arcade version, the boss fight for the parking garage stage was a rematch against Bebop and Rocksteady together. The NES version replaces it with another battle against Baxter Stockman, in his mutant form.
- Due to this, the cutscene that appears after the sewer stage (in which Bebop, Rocksteady, and Shredder taunt the Turtles to come rescue April) was changed accordingly.
- At the end of the Technodrome, the portal to Dimension X closes right after Shredder emerges from it. In the arcade version, it stayed open all through the final battle.
- The final battle with Shredder in the arcade version would have up to five clones, depending on how many people were playing. Since the NES version only allows up to two players, Shredder only has one clone here.

The instruction manual describe the game's plot as being a sequel to the first live-action Ninja Turtles movie, despite the game obviously being based on the cartoon. The game won two awards in the 1990 Nintendo Power Awards: Best Bad Guy (Shredder), and Best Simultaneous Multi-Player Game. For some reason, Nintendo Power's coverage for this game, as well as the NES Game Atlas and Top Secret Passwords Player's Guides, mistakenly labeled Granitor and General Tragg (the two Stone Warriors) as being one character.

#TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2 #Longplays #BragaGamming