COVID-19 Death Toll Indicates , Life in the United States Is Far From Normal.
COVID-19 Death Toll Indicates , Life in the United States Is Far From Normal.
CNBC reports a group of more than two dozen doctors, scientists, and public health experts have published a report which indicates the coronavirus pandemic in the US is far from finished.
CNBC reports a group of more than two dozen doctors, scientists, and public health experts have published a report which indicates the coronavirus pandemic in the US is far from finished.
The 136-page report published
on March 7 says COVID-19 continues to cause levels of death that are "intolerable.".
The 136-page report published
on March 7 says COVID-19 continues to cause levels of death that are "intolerable.".
The report states the death toll from COVID-19 still far outweighs the general death toll
from typical seasonal respiratory viruses.
Deaths related to coronavirus remain around ten times higher than the worst years for the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Deaths related to coronavirus remain around ten times higher than the worst years for the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Per the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, over 9,000 Americans
died from COVID-19 last week.
Make no mistake, the United States is far
from a normal situation. , Authors of report on the COVID-19 death toll, via CNBC.
Make no mistake, the United States is far
from a normal situation. , Authors of report on the COVID-19 death toll, via CNBC.
However, the report noted that increased immunity from vaccines and natural infections improved projections.
However, the report noted that increased immunity from vaccines and natural infections improved projections.
This is less dire than many expected. , authors of report on the COVID-19 death toll, via CNBC.
In their most pessimistic scenario,
the authors of the report calculated
between now and March 2023.
In their most pessimistic scenario,
the authors of the report calculated
between now and March 2023.
if a new variant of coronavirus occurs and infects 80% of the population, as many
as 264,000 more Americans could die