Underground movements left road destroyed and now locals utilise the damaged tarmac

2022-03-07 2

A skater has been filmed making use of an 'infamous and ripped up' B-road - by treating it as a makeshift skatepark. 

Si Coburn, 38, can be seen showing off his impressive moves on the Lyneham B4059 road - which recently hit the headlines when dramatic footage was released showing huge cracks appearing. 

Some sections of the undulating road surface have risen by around four feet and repairs to fix it could take up to a year. But Si, from Gloucester, used the damage to create scenes for his 30,000 plus followers on Instagram, where he uploads videos where he skates in interesting locations. 

Si, an Instagram content creator for the skating brand 'Rollerblade' and employee at Ruroc helmet company, started skating when he was just 13 years old.