Quezon City Jail Male Dormitory launches KADIWA in Ani at Kita - KADIWA Carts Project

2022-03-04 14,891

LOOK: The Quezon City Jail Male Dormitory (QCJ-MD) in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and the Quezon City LGU GROW QC Program launches the KADIWA in Ani at Kita - KADIWA Carts Project at Bernardo Park at Brgy. Kamuning, Quezon City on Friday, March 4, 2022.

The launching was spearheaded by QCJ-MD Warden JSupt. Michelle Ng Bonto, Department of Agriculture Undersecretary Kristine Y. Evangelista, and QC Market Development, and Administration Department (MDAD) Head Ret. PCol. Procopio Lipana.

The first-ever market beside the jail entrance area was strategically undertaken in an effort to bring farm to table fresh products at a lower price to the Person Deprived of Liberty (DPL), the family members of PDL, and Kamuning community. (MB Video by Noel B. Pabalate)