Hey Guy's, What's Up. It's me Alphin from Bee Happy. In Today's Video, we will be looking at creating a Youtube Channel Banner for our YouTube Channel in Canva. It's really easy and everyone can do it easily. This Video is sponsered by bee institute
YouTube Channel Banner Template - https://ggle.io/4iZU
Canva - https://www.canva.com/
YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/beehappyalphinthetechexplorer?sub_confirmation=1
Comment - https://ggle.io/45xB
[ If you're not able to Comment to this Video, Please click on the Link given - https://ggle.io/45xB]
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Facebook _ https://www.facebook.com/alphinjoe.plathottam/
Instagram _ https://www.instagram.com/bee_happy_official/
YouTube _ https://www.youtube.com/c/beehappyalphinthetechexplorer?sub_confirmation=1
Equipments Used
Camera _ HD User Facing
Laptop _ https://amzn.to/3xg95tg
Mic _ https://amzn.to/3xg52gH
Green Screen _ https://amzn.to/3sNxxPy
Visit Bee Happy - Alphin The Tech Explorer
#alphin #alphinjoe #beehappyalphinthetechexplorer #canva #channelart #ytchannel #ytbanner #ytchannelbanner #canvamalayalam