The credit score is an important determinant in the interest rate you get for a loan. You can take a number of steps to help improve your score. Set up automatic payments for all your credit cards, utilities, or loans. If your payments are on time, the credit bureau is getting good information about you. Use small credit-building loans and cash advances to bolster your finances, especially when you might have had a hard time paying off certain debts. Pay off debts as much as you can. It may be difficult to pay off debts with the little money you have left over every month, but you can use the snowball method to pay off debts faster where you choose your smallest debt, pay into it faithfully, but when it is paid off, move the money you would have used for those payments to the next largest debt. That obligation will be paid off faster, and you can repeat the process until you are making massive payments on your largest debts. Request and read your credit reports at the three credit bureaus, Equifax ($EFX@US), Experian ($EXPGY@Ireland), and TransUnion ($TRU@US), and dispute errors.