سورة البقرة ، الربع الثاني ، من الجزء الاول ، الآيات من 26 الي 43 ، ترتيل خاشع ب

2022-02-18 252

Surat Al-Baqarah, the second quarter, from the first part, verses 26 to 43, a humble chant with the voice of Muhammad Hamdan

• Verse 26 and verse 27: “God is not ashamed” - in order to demonstrate the truth - “to give an example” say or more, even if it is “mosquito” or something similar, and something like that. God gave him an example to show the powerlessness of everything that is worshiped besides Him.

“And as for those who disbelieve, they say” in a way of irony: “What did God intend with this parable?” I mean, what did God intend by striking the parable with these parables? And he guides many with it (i.e., by this parable, he turns many people away from the truth because they ridicule it, and he reconciles others to greater faith and guidance, “And none leads astray by it except the transgressor.”

والهم الاصاصقون هم يوقيين تفضيع الرجل الله منتدق (ie, after his covenant I took him, and they are in the back of their father Adam). “And they do mischief on earth” with unbelief, sins and other types of corruption: “It is they who are the losers” in this world and the Hereafter.

• Verse 28: “How can you disbelieve in God when you were dead and He gave you life?” I mean, how do you - O polytheists - deny the oneness of God Almighty despite the conclusive evidence for it in yourselves? You were dead - and you were in nothingness - and He created you, Glory be to Him, and breathed into you life, “Then He will cause you to die” after the expiry of your terms that He had set for you, “Then He will give you life” on the Day of Resurrection, “Then He will give you recompense.”

The verse 29 :)) Glory be to you what is in all land (all of the blessings that are driven by them,)) Surfty to heaven (: Any intention to create the heavens) Seven heavens () Create.

• The verse 30 :): ( And your majesty, {and we sanctify you}: that is, we glorify you with all the attributes of perfection and majesty.

• The verse 31: () and the name of Adam all names (: ie all asset names) and then presented them to the angels.

Verse 32: We have to thank you, O Lord, for us.

Verse 33 :) (God Almons:) O Adam, I will prepare them with their names (no names of these things that deficiencies). It is hidden from you in the heavens and the earth, “And I know what you reveal”: meaning, and I know what you reveal, “And what did you conceal” in your breasts that you are more worthy than Adam in the caliphate? So submit to my command and be content with my judgment and judgment, for I know what you do not know.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Apostle. arrogance and envy, {and he was one of the unbelievers} that is, he became one of those who deny God Almighty, disobeying His command.

• The verse 35: () and we said, O Adam, you and your husband and whisper.

• The verse 36: (), the devil was removed from them (: which displaced by the devil in sin, and leave them about paradise, "I turned out of what was in it and we said

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