'Skateboarder becomes a victim of the heavily-feared WHEEL BITE '

2022-02-11 1

'If it weren't for setbacks, no one would be perfect at their craft and the same goes for the skating enthusiast featured in this video.

Filmed in Bali, Indonesia, this clip shows Valerii Monastirsky honing her skating skills at a skatepark when all of a sudden, she falls off the board due to one of its wheels coming into contact with the deck.

"I was skating a pool and that's when I got a wheel bite," Valerii wrote. "I guess I know now what is a hospital flip?"

This footage was caught on camera on September 3, 2021.

Name: Valerii Monastirsky
Location: Bali, Indonesia'
WooGlobe Ref : WGA901532
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com

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