The Moment Queen Elizabeth Broke Down in an Airplane Bathroom After Her Father's Death

2022-02-03 1

When King George VI died, Princess Elizabeth not only lost her father, but her life as she knew it.  It was on February 6, 1952, during a visit to Kenya on a tour of the Commonwealth that Prince Philip told his wife the tragic news of her father's death. At age 56, King George VI had died of coronary thrombosis — making his elder daughter and heir the new monarch.  Forced to cancel the rest of the tour, the royal entourage made their way to the Nanyuki airstrip after leaving the Treetops resort where they had been staying to begin the long journey home.  Managing a stoic, subdued smile and a wave to the crowds, Elizabeth boarded the plane quickly, with none of the usual pomp and ceremony ...
#TheMomentQueenElizabethBrokeDown, #AirplaneBathroomAfterHerFather, #Death
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