On January 30, TV star Tejasswi Prakash was declared as the winner of reality show Bigg Boss 15 by the show’s host superstar Salman Khan. Tejasswi Prakash took home the Bigg Boss 15 trophy along with a cash prize of Rs 40 lakh. Tejasswi Prakash beat actor-model Pratik Sehajpal to win the trophy. Sehajpal was the first runner up. Tejasswi Prakash’s actor-boyfriend Karan Kundrra finished in the third place. Shamita Shetty finished fourth. Choreographer Nishant Bhat did not miss the opportunity to take home Rs 10 lakh. Bhat opted out of the final race and took home Rs 10 lakh. He finished fifth in the race. During her stay in the house, 28-year-old Tejasswi Prakash fell in love with another popular actor Karan Kundrra. After winning the show, Tejasswi tweeted, “A dream come true after 4 months of a very challenging journey!” Watch the video to know more.