Mandkola village part 1 palwal

2022-01-17 15

The Mandkola Village located in Hathin Tehsil, 10773 People are living in this Village, 5750 are males and 5023 are females as per 2011 census. Expected Mandkola population 2020/2021 is between 10,450 and 11,850. Literate people are 6491 out of 3986 are male and 2505 are female. People living in Mandkola depend on multiple skills, total workers are 3100 out of which men are 2592 and women are 508. Total 1338 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of 1130 are cultivated by men and 208 are women. 423 people works in agricultural land as a labour in Mandkola, men are 359 and 64 are women