One Should Try to Come to the Platform of Self-Realization by Awakening His Spiritual Knowledge

2022-01-14 1

Srimad Bhagavatam 5.11.15
by HG Balarama Dasa 1/14/2022
When one’s mind is absorbed in the material conception, he thinks that he belongs to a particular nation, family, country or creed. These are all called upādhis, designations, and one has to become freed from them (sarvopādhi-vinirmuktam). As long as one is not freed, he has to continue conditioned life in material existence. The human form of life is meant for cleansing away these misconceptions. If this is not done, one has to repeat the cycle of birth and death and thus suffer all material conditions.

#SrimadBhagavatam #LordKrishna #Bhakti