Build Your Own Solar Water Heater

2009-01-30 5,389
Many of us, in fact everyone of us are finding ways to save our hard earned money and at the same time to be eco-friendly in this testing times of soaring electricity and oil prices. So before it is too late, you should learn how to build solar water heater. There are galore of advantages of solar water heater and if you have one, you do not have to depend on the gas and electricity to run hot water baths. No doubt, heating was never so easy and economic before the inception of solar water heaters.

There is no dearth of commercial ready to use solar water heaters in the market, but then it could cost anywhere around 000. So why spend so much when you have the option to build solar water heater at your own place at a much cheaper and affordable price.

Materials required

Not much of the materials are required for building a solar water heater. You just need to have a strong box; aluminum type window panels, copper pipes, storage tank and that will be all.

Steps to build a solar water heater

• Cover the box with the glass panels;