in the US, Continues
To Shrink.
The data was revealed in a
report published Jan 13.
The report was compiled by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, a non-profit organization.
Our final look at fall 2021 enrollment shows undergraduates continuing to sit out in droves as colleges navigate yet another year of Covid-19, Doug Shapiro, National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, via 'The Wall Street Journal'.
Specifically, the report shows a 3.1 percent drop in U.S. college enrollment for 2021.
The percentage equates to 465,300 students.
More troubling for college admissions offices are the long-term trends since the beginning of the COVID pandemic.
According to data, .
college enrollment has dropped by almost seven percent since lockdown measures were widely instituted.
Many schools have either closed or been forced to merge as a result of the steep decline.
The most significant enrollment decrease was seen in students working toward an associate's degree.
Majors in undergraduate liberal arts programs dropped by 7.6 percent.
while undergraduate computer science and psychology majors both increased slightly.
Only four states revealed an increase
in fall 2021 enrollment.
Those states are Arizona, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Colorado. .
In addition, graduate program enrollment has increased by 100,000 students since the beginning of the pandemic