Half of Americans feel they have what it takes to be a barista, according to new research.

2022-01-13 5

A survey of 2,000 adults looked at how people like to personalize their favorite beverages and found that 54% think they could work as baristas by customizing drinks.

Whether they’re good servers or not, most know what it takes to make a tasty drink. People prefer experimenting with their cold drinks as opposed to their hot ones (71% vs. 62%), while others customize their smoothies (55%) and coffee (49%).

Thirty percent of respondents claim they’re loyal to their usual drink, but 45% like to mix it up sometimes.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Dutch Bros, the research also found people will select random drinks to try when they’re craving something different from their usual orders or try to create something based on their preferences (50% each).

Nearly half of Americans have a coffee spot that they frequent more than once a week, so it’s no surprise that 65% are likely to try a drink recommended by their barista.

People also get new drink recommendations from their friends and family (48%) and three in five like to repay the favor, saying they enjoy coming up with creative drinks for their loved ones to try.